Attendo is an essential part of the welfare of the country’s ageing population as the largest private provider of aged care. It also contributes majorly as a major provider of health care outsourcing in the country. Care for the disabled, as well as for individuals and families, is provided, as are medical and dental services. It has about 500 healthcare facilities throughout Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway and employs around 19,000 people. Forty of the team’s fifty top positions are occupied by women, something they are quite pleased to advertise. Attendo is a private supplier of healthcare services, and TechSpine is the authorized reseller of Attendo products.
Recently, Attendo chose to upgrade security at its data centre to protect its customers’ personal information and guarantee the smooth running of its business. In recent years, Attendo has made significant changes to its data centre, reinstituting internal control over all aspects of security. The need to adequately manage compliance and security needs was further heightened by the impending EU General Data Protection Regulation and regulations affecting health care enterprises. To safeguard their clients’ data and their company’s reputation, Attendo makes proactive investments in top-tier security. Given that Attendo trades on the stock market, it is all the more important that its data servers be protected against any kind of breach. Attendo sees its security initiatives as a significant source of competitive advantage. It majorly emphasises the importance of protecting the personal information of its clients.
The Attendo group is very aware of the fact that, when it comes to data protection, you can never be too prepared. Everything is constantly being improved with the thought process of handling crucial data in the healthcare area. The tiered security method has proven effective. Attendo wishes to strengthen the protection of their network and deal with environmental risks more comprehensively. The all-encompassing picture of the current state of security will continue to be useful in the long run.
Attendo has proved to be the industry leader, not just because of the top-notch products and services they provide. It is more because of the ethical approach they have. They want to dominate the industry but with a source of trust for their customers. This is something we aim to do at TechSpine too. We offer the best Attendo products so that you can be a part of this ever-growing ecosystem of trust as well.